Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Demi Lovato Tweets Photo Of Herself Wearing Teeny White Bikini

Demi Lovato's photo: I've been working so hard to get healthy and fit.. I can't believe I'm about to do this but I'm so excited.. Here's my bikini time body!

It's only been less than four months since Demi Lovato left treatment for anorexia, bulimia and cutting but the Disney star is apparently getting her stuff together and keeping her life and body under control.

18-year-old Demi Lovato tweeted this message on Monday, linking to a photo of herself (above):
"I've been working so hard to get healthy and fit, I can't believe I'm about to [post] this but I'm so excited… Here's my bikini time body!"
Demi is definitely sending positive messages to her fans out there by saying:
"I want any girl/guy out there who struggles with body image or confidence to know that it IS possible to find peace with yourself,"
She admits she was "completely ashamed" of her figure in the past, but now states she's "excited how far I've come."

I think she looks great and I'm glad she's working on her issues but the girl definitely has to get herself a size larger bathing suit.

Click here to see a photo of Demi in 2010 before she went into rehab.
