Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kate Hudson Shows Off Her Post-Baby Body In White Bikini

It's only been 7 weeks since Kate Hudson gave birth to her second son, Bing but by the looks of these photos it seems like it could have been a year ago. She's looking pretty good for just having a baby!

I know Kate is normally a lot thinner than this but considering she just had a baby, kudos to her. She, fiance Matt Bellamy and son Ryder went out for a swim at the hotel pool (looks more like a lake to me) in the South of France on Tuesday.

Normally you'd expect a new mom to be sporting a granny-like one piece but not this actress. Kate opted for sheer white bikini...ballsy.

I can only pray to the heavens that I look half as good as she does when my baby time comes.

source / photos via