Friday, March 4, 2011

OC Housewives Drama & The Show Hasn't Even Started

The first episode of 'The Real Housewives of Orange County' hasn't even aired but there's already drama and cat fights going on. 

Real life friends Alexis Bellino and newbie Peggy Tanous are going at it. According to Peggy, Alexis tried sabotaging her efforts to join RHOC and told E!Online:
"Alexis didn't really want me on the show,"
Peggy opened up and said that Alexis informed her that 'Housewives' was her thing and supposedly this made filming really difficult between the two.

E!Online spoke to Alexis about the situation with Peggy and she had this to say:
"Now that she's saying I didn't want to share the spotlight," Alexis added. "I'm like, 'Girl, there's going to be six girls on the show—I'm going to have to share the spotlight. Why do I care if I share the spotlight?' I don't understand her whole philosophy, she's changed a lot this season, to be honest with you."
 It's rumored that these two won't be the only one's to go at it either. Supposedly Tamra gets physical with ex-housewife Jeana and Gretchen goes off on Tamra and Alexis. We can also expect to see how Vicki's marriage to Don came to pieces and finally ended in divorce.

What we won't be seeing much of is Alexis' gross and controlling husband Jim.
He's pretty much against the show," Alexis revealed to us. "All they want to do is rip him apart."
This season of 'The Real Housewives of OC' will begin this Sunday (March 6) at 10pm on Bravo.

Click here to read more & watch a few interviews.
