Saturday, May 14, 2011

ABC Cancels 'Brothers & Sisters', 'V', 'Mr Sunshine' & 'Off The Map'...Lame!

It was released that ABC has cancelled a few of their big shows. I though most of them were pretty good & can't believe they didnt make the cut.

ABC announced that they have cancelled the following shows:
  • Brothers & Sisters
  • V
  • Mr. Sunshine
  • Off The Map
I was a huge fan of Shanda Rhimes 'Off the Map' and thought it was slightly more interesting than Greys Anatomy...I think this was a bad call ABC.

They must have thought they needed to be cut to make room for their new shows:
  • Charlie's Angels
  • Last Man Standing (staring Tim Allen)
  • Apt. 23
  • Good Christian Belles
  • Pam An (staring Christina Ricci)
  • Once Upon A Time (staring Ginnifer Goodwin)
None of these shows look like winners to me...but that's just my opinion.
