Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Justin Timberlake Admits He's Still A Pot Smoker In 'Playboy' Interview

There are so many reasons I love Justin Timberlake and he just gave me another one to add to the list.

The super talented actor-singer didn't even try to hide the fact that he's smoked pot in the past and still does, in his newest interview with Playboy magazine. He didnt try to beat around the bush when they brought up nude scenes with 'Friends With Benefits' co-star Mila Kunis and he also admitted that he really regrets sporting those ugly cornrolls when he was in 'N-Sync'.

The 30-year-old hottie openly stated the truth when asked if he was still a pot smoker:
"Absolutely." and added "The only thing pot does for me is it gets me to stop thinking. Sometimes I have a brain that needs to be turned off. Some people are just better high."
I totally agree!

When asked what it was like letting it all hang out for his new movie 'Friends With Benefits' he stated:
"I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t completely awkward. I couldn’t tell you the number of people in the crew watching me and my bare ass, but it was a lot."
Justin also opens up by denying rumors saying his relationship with actress Jessica Biel ended because of his co-star Mila Kunis and says he hopes that Justin Beiber has a great support system because growing up in the limelight can definitely get intense.

To read the full interview click here.
