Monday, June 13, 2011

'Mad Men' Gets An End Date...

Season 5 of Mad Men hasn't even begun but an end date to the amazingly wonderful show has been set.

According to an interview Jon Hamm had with BBC the show will go on for 3 more seasons. That means we'll have Don Draper around until 2014...sad.

The actor isn't all that sad though, he states:
"I think it should end. Everything should end. I was a big fan of 'The Office' over here because it ended,"
The 5th season of the show was held up do due to contract negotiations but says "It was nobody's fault really, it was the network and the show."  The 40-year-old stud, I mean star also said they should start filming the season in late July or August and he'll be directing the seasons first episode. Nice.

I can't wait for the season to begin, it's one of my favorite shows!

Season 5 is set to premiere on AMC sometime in 2012.