Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jon Gosselin Tweets "I'm NOT Back With Kate"

We've all heard of them, Jon & Kate Gosselin. The drama that was caused by their highly publicised divorce and fight to keep filming their reality show was thought to be over but these just can't seem to stay out of the limelight.

There have been a couple of rumors swirling around the net that Jon (now a Solar Panel installer) and now very fit Kate could be getting back together. Jon however felt the need to set the record straight by tweeting the following on Wednesday:
"No, I am NOT back with Kate." and "Sorry to burst your bubble, the tabloids are wrong once again."
As much as I believe every child should have both of it's parents, I also believe that these two were not meant for each other. I remember watching 'Jon & Kate Plus 8' and although the first couple of seasons were peachy keen, it was the last seasons where we got to witness them fighting like cats & dogs.

Jon Gosselin is currently dating 24 year old Ellen Ross who has an advice and fashion blog here. (Note: damn, she's ugly!)

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