Friday, February 25, 2011

Trailer: The Hangover 2

It's finally here...

The much awaited sequel to one of the highest grossing movies is set to premiere May 26, 2011.  The wolf-pack, which includes the good-looking Bradley Cooper, talented Ed Helms and funnyman Zach Galifianakis, is back for more laughs but this time they've skipped Vegas and are headed for Bangkok.

As you can see nothing much is spoken by the characters besides Stu (Ed Helms) uttering "Oh, God". 

Although much isn't revealed in the trailer I think we can be sure that it's going to be as funny, if not funnier than the original.

Also, I couldn't help but laugh at the fact Stu has a Mike Tyson like tattoo, which I first thought was a bruise from getting beat up.